Lexington for the Scholar

June 25, 2024

Blog Title Header Image The Stone Building

From a lecture series, a bilingual magazine, and a historic location dedicated to discussions on important political topics, Lexington is the perfect choice to visit for any type of scholar. 

Cary Lecture Series

Established in 1920 by the Cary sisters, this lecture series offers free public talks that cover the arts, sciences, and current events. The main goal is to stimulate, educate, and entertain the public. Various speakers at the Cary Lecture Series have included Nobel Prize winners, those incarcerated by the U.S. during World War II, artists, writers, scholars, scientists, and medical doctors who had breakthrough discoveries for humanitarian aid. The Cary Lecture Series is held at the Isaac Harris Cary Memorial Building in Lexington. 

CAAL Discover Lexington Interview Series 

“Discover Lexington: A Bridge to Western Culture” is a bilingual magazine published monthly by the Chinese American Association of Lexington. It includes in-depth interviews with Lexington residents that help give insight into the community, connect people with different cultural backgrounds, and help new residents integrate into the community. You’ll also find information about civic engagement and volunteer opportunities. 

The Stone Building

In 1833, Eli Robbins constructed this Greek Revival Building as a lecture hall. Located in East Lexington, this was a regular stop on the lecture circuit in the 19th century. Here, they conversed about issues like abolition, transcendentalism, and temperance. Thinkers like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Theodore Parker, and Charles Sumner also made appearances here. From 1891 to 2007, it served as the East Lexington Branch Library and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. 

While the Stone Building does not have public tours available, it is externally viewable all year round and opens for occasional events. You’ll feel like a walking scholar the minute you pass by this building with all of the important events that took place here. 

Are you interested in learning more about Lexington’s involvement in academics, politics, art, culture, and beyond? Visit our website to learn more about how the town has a major impact on our society. And discover more about Lexington’s long history