Mark Your Calendars!
April 2025 marks the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington, the first battle of the Revolutionary War.
This event precedes the national celebration in 2026 of the 250th anniversary of the United States. The town of Lexington invites you to celebrate the birth of our nation and the bravery of the citizens of Lexington at our Semiquincentennial Event where there’ll be a series of activities relating to the founding of our country.
Come join us and help Make History in Lexington!
On the morning of April 19, 1775, approximately seventy members of Lexington’s town militia faced down eight hundred British troops on the Lexington Green. The British were marching to Concord, where they expected to confiscate a stockpile of weapons intended to be used for rebellion. The troops stopped on the Lexington Green, and faced the Lexington militia. A shot was fired. Nobody knows who fired that shot, but with it and with the ensuing musket fire, the American Revolution began. The Battle of Lexington, as it would later be known, was brief, but resulted in the deaths of eight colonists. The British marched on to Concord, where they faced a much larger group of colonists, from all over the area, at the North Bridge. The Revolutionary War would end six years later with colonial victory in 1781 and the birth of the United States of America.
Lexington has always been a town of history makers – people who were willing to stand up for what they believed in and also push to make things better for themselves and those around them. This doesn’t just mean people from colonial times, like the gallant Captain John Parker who led the Lexington militia in 1775 against the British at the Battle of Lexington, or the resolute Abigail Harrington who encouraged her son before the battle that “the regulars are coming, and something must be done!” Over the years, many celebrated Lexingtonians emerged from this town and changed the world through their actions.
We invite you to share this moment in history where it all began!