
Fragrance in the Garden with Joanne Pearson

Follen Church 755 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA, United States

Please join the Lexington Field and Garden Club on Wednesday, September 11, as they welcome professional photographer Joanne Pearson! Joanne Pearson has been a professional photographer for over 25 years and formerly was a Massachusetts registered landscape architect where she practiced for 12 years. She regularly lectures on gardens and photography, seeking to inspire and...

Floral Inspirations of the Impressionists: Giverny and Beyond with Martha Chiarchiaro

Follen Church 755 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA, United States

Martha Chiarchiaro has brought history to life for more than 30 years. She has a MA in history of art from Williams College and teaches art history courses at the the Worcester Art Museum and other cultural organizations. Martha has spoken to garden clubs on topics ranging from Women Floral Painters to American Landscapes. In...


“Gardening Beyond the Horizonal Plane – Planted Walls and Inclines”

Lexington Field & Garden Club presents “Gardening Beyond the Horizonal Plane – Planted Walls and Inclines” with Warren Leach Location: Follen Church, 755 Mass Avenue, Lexington Wednesday, November 13, 2024 9:30 AM Refreshments, 10 AM Meeting Warren Leach is the owner of Tranquil Lake Nursery in Rehoboth, MA that displays gardens designed by Warren. The...