Michelson’s Shoe Store
December 13, 2023

Michelson’s Shoe Store
How long have you been located in Lexington?
Michelson’s Shoes was started by my great-grandfather, I J Michelson, in 1919. Over the years we’ve occupied 4 different Lexington Center storefronts, and we’ve been in our current location since 1965.
What are the benefits of locating in Lexington?
Lexington Center is an attractive downtown business district that draws shoppers from both Lexington, surrounding towns, and towns two or three rings out. We find that our non-Lexington resident customers see a certain cache in shopping our stores. Once here, they tend to do other shopping in the district. We also attract shoppers from our surrounding industrial areas. Lexington’s businesses also benefit from programs offered by our two business organizations, the Lexington Chamber of Commerce.
What other advice do you have for other entrepreneurs and small business owners?
We base our success on providing great customer service, having a quality product, and being an active part of the community. Meeting our customers’ need for a superior shopping experience has translated into long-term loyalty, yet we understand that to be successful we have to continue to work harder at keeping that experience fresh and current.
Lexington’s businesses also benefit from programs offered by our two business organizations, the Lexington Chamber of Commerce and the Lexington Retailers Association.
Michelson’s Shoes