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Reading Into History: Book Chat on The Chinese Question by Mae Ngai

May 15, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

$10 – $15

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The Gold Rush of 1849 brought scores of the hopeful to California, both to mine the hills for treasure, and to build the railroads that would connect the newly wealthy frontier to the rest of the country. Chinese immigrants made up a massive part of this labor force. As they entered the US and the rest of the western workforce in record numbers, however, cultural clashes and racism lead to “the Chinese question”: should western countries allow Chinese immigration at all? In 1882, the United States decided the answer was “no” with the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Join us for a discussion of this sweeping history with a Mae Ngai, who follows Chinese labor across five continents to show the connection between world economics and racism.

$10 members, $15 members

Doors open at 6:30; refreshments will be served.

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Munroe Tavern
1332 Massachusetts Ave
Lexington, MA 02420 United States
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